北京时间11月21日,今晚欢聚时代(YY)将在纳斯达克进行IPO,这将是年内中国大陆继唯品会之后第二家赴美IPO的公司。根据相关人士消息,欢聚时代IPO发行价10.5美元,为此前发行价区间最下限,IPO发行780万股,融资额约8190万美元,此外,承销商有117万股的超额认购。 根据欢聚时代此前递交的F1文件显示,本次IPO献售股东均不售股,此外,寰慧投资(Granite Global Ventures)、Steamboat Ventures Asia 和晨兴创投(Morningside China TMT Fund)等原股东还将以IPO的价格认购总价3000万美元的股票。 Several of our existing shareholders and their affiliates, including Granite Global Ventures, Steamboat Ventures Asia and Morningside China TMT Fund, as defined in the “Principal Shareholders” section, have indicated to us their interest in purchasing up to an aggregate of $30.0 million of ADSs offered in this offering at the initial public offering price and on the same terms as the other ADSs being offered in this offering。